How many of you have seen the preview to a movie and thought nah I’ll pass, but then it shows a sexy scene featuring your favorite leading lady and all the sudden you’re willing to go see it? I’m guilty of this myself. I’ve sat through more than my fair share of boring movies just so I could watch some hot chick get it on for my viewing pleasure up on the big screen. I have a large library of movies I’ve bought solely because of the sex scenes.
It’s kind of like porn, but with a bunch of boring stuff in between the good parts. Luckily for us this site has taken all of the best sex scenes and put them in one place for us to easily find. No more fast forwarding and then rewinding over and over again until you are able to finish. Now you can search through over 200,000 clips and photos featuring more than 20,000 of your favorite actresses getting down and dirty. Get this discount of 75% off to MrSkin and also the discount of 50% off to MrMan for all your favorite sex scenes.